Brain Age Has Announced The Launch Of Nintendo Switch In Japan Along With Stylus
Nintendo’s announced the New Brain Training games which according to the video released is the Nintendo Switch version called Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training games.

It can be recalled that Nintendo has produced similar games like puzzles, equations, and even sudoku in a bid to “train” their brain.

According to the videos released, one of the game is the official trailer, that is now available to view directly below, and shows off not only some new exercises heading to the game but also a stylus. The other one is of the exercises showcased features the IR sensor that can be seen on the Nintendo Switch Joy-Con’s that is being used to capture your hand. A feature that wouldn’t work on the newly launched Nintendo Switch Lite as there is no IR functionality available.

Also we cam see in the second video published by Nintendo, we get a more in-depth look at the exercises available. We see the IR-sensor focused one in action, another one that allows two players to go head-to-head and count objects, and there are some examples of how the stylus can be used. We see a memory game where players will have to select the previous picture, then remember the new picture as more pictures come into play. As usual, the game offers you a graph showing your brain’s “age” and performance when you’ve finished your training.

New Brain Training will be launch on Nintendo Switch in Japan on December 27, 2019 with a physical and digital release.



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