This week Epic continued its efforts to persuade PC players into its store with a number of other freebies in the form of This War of Mine and Moonlighter. And while you are here, I will also allow you to understand that Alan Wake and For Honor are next.

Moonlighter - which is free now, with This War of Mine - offers an interesting blend of store management and underground exploration. During the day, brave heroes can stack shelves and tend to the desires of their customers, while the chase at night involves monster execution and exploration.

The essence of the Moonlighter cycle action is that items found while venturing make exotic new products for sale inside the store, and, in turn, buy better instrumentation for deeper basements and even many exotic items. Eurogamer really liked it when it was released. maybe not by accident, Moonlighter just launched its first paid DLC, Inter-Dimension, on PC.

Next up are 11 extraordinary, yet bleak 11 Bit Studios, War of Mine - a scary stealth game in which players are tasked with guarding civilian teams, captured in the midst of anonymous wars, living in the middle as long as possible.

During the day, when it is too dangerous to run the streets, your goal is to improve your temporary home, use items needed for crafts and maintenance. However, at night, under the darkness of duvets, you must go out and start looking for additional supplies on a regular basis, so that the loop can continue.

Very little pleasure can be found in your little victory, and a little leeway from the horrors of war. Immediately, your resources can be reduced, and your costs can quickly give up to hunger, illness, temperature drops, and therefore the cruelty of others in the city - where, this Mine War begins to require you to make strong, often terrible decisions . .

This War of Mine, will you believe, also get a new paid DLC - in the form of a final episode the story of the end of the fading fading Embers - who will arrive at the computer in August.

Those who venture into Epic's nest have until Friday, August 2, to claim this free prize. After that, the shadow changed and the cult returned. Remedy escaped from Alan Wake and the close-range fighter Ubisoft, For Honor can, if you want, be yours too.



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